Thursday, June 19, 2014

Kinnaird Castle Perthshire Colville occupied in 1600's)

When we  were searching all around Perthshire area for the Cleish Castle, we were also searching for Kinnaird Castle just outside of Gowrie. The Colvilles occupied this castle for a period of time in the 1600's.
Gowrie is a charming small village in the beautiful green hills in Perthshire. We drove along winding roads, searching for the family castle. We took a small road up a hill, disregarding a sign that indicated it was private property. When we got to the main house, we looked out to our right, and there it was! The castle we had been searching for. To get to it, we went back down that road and took the next one up. We came to the castle! It is now a privately owned residence and there was a locked gate at the entrance, so we just took pictures of the outside and went on our way. It is so amazing that I have family that once lived in these surroundings. Again, this castle is located on a high hill, surrounded by huge trees. It would have been an excellent point at which to see enemies approaching. The Douglas Clan had once had this property, then eventually it was passed to the Colvilles. Seems that the Douglas Clan and the Colville Clan continue to 'run into each other' throughout history!

Quote from the history of the Kinnaird Castle to read more of the history of this castle included  below this quote of text.

'John Kinnaird of that ilk (15th Laird of Kinnaird) was obliged to sell the family estates of Kinnaird. He resigned the lands and barony of Kinnaird into the hands of the King (James I & VI), who, on 26th March 1618, granted them to John Livingston (a Gentleman of the Kings Bedchamber). The castle passed to the Colvilles, who in turn, passed it to the Threipland family in 1674. After some years of occupancy, Kinnaird was abandoned. In 1854, three ladies took pity on the derelict castle and spent a fortune in repairs. In due course, the place was again bought by the Threiplands, who sold it to the present owner, Dr. J.Hand.'

History of Kinnaird Castle link

The part of the house on the left is where we ended up when searching for the castle. We pulled into this drive, looked over to our right, and there was the castle we had been searching for.