Thursday, June 12, 2014

Eilean Donan Castle

After spending a wonderful afternoon and evening in Inverness, we departed early the next morning for a tour bus taking us to Eilean Donan and then on over to the Isle of Skye. Our bus driver was so knowledgeable giving us so much information as we traveled the country roads and main highways westward!! Beautiful scenery all along the way. Pictures here of various stopping places. This country of Scotland never ceased to amaze me at all the beauty it holds!
First thing in the morning, before getting on the bus, we decided we should find 
a place to eat something for breakfast, unsure of how long it would be before we
had a chance to eat again. Other than our hotel, the only other place open this 
early was a McDonalds! 
 After eating breakfast, we walked down the hill and waited for our tour bus. Looking forward to a fun filled day seeing the sights of the Highlands!
Our bus driver - so much information that he provided all along the way -
impossible to remember it all!

Our first sightseeing stop was Loch Ness - no monster appeared! 

On Loch Ness peninsula sits Urquhart Castle

Back on the bus, time to head on up the road to Eilean Donan Castle, stopping outside InverMoriston to see a beautiful waterfall and bridge. We also saw some of the Highland Cows (pronounced Coo) which I had heard so much about! Waterfall and Coo - quite a sight!
More info about Invermoriston

A little cottage sitting on the banks of Moriston River!

Highland Coo (Cow)

Unbelievable beauty throughout Scotland!
Now, on to Eilean Donan Castle!

A little cottage across the loch....

For more information about Eilean Donan Castle... This castle has been used in numerous films and photo of the most beautiful castles in Scotland according to some.