Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Tower of London - Westminster - Southwark area - Continuing on our journey around London, June 21 & 22, 2014

Our journey took us from the majesty of St. Paul's Cathedral to the medieval site of the Tower of London! The crown jewels are housed in one of the towers, but the lines were just too long to go into that tower. Here are pictures of some of the other 12 towers comprising the Tower of London.
You can learn more about these towers at this site.

And to think all of this was built before knowledge of modern day machinery. It is hard to imagine how all this was possible! 

Sunday, June 22, we continued our tour of various sections of London. 

Hallways and courtyard in the Methodist Church 

War Memorial

St. George's Park on our walk to Buckingham Palace

Entering the Mall to Buckingham Palace

More Buckingham Palace

Sir Francis Drake's Ship and Museum

Shakesphere's Globe Theater in South London- reconstruction based on descriptions

The Clink!!

Tooting Bec Station was our get on/get off point. Our apartment was about a mile up the road from this station. Here is the area around Tooting Bec. 

This is all the time we had in London.  On Monday we headed to Paris for the day, then on to Bath and points beyond.......